Taal is located about two hours south of Manila and is the second most active volcano in the Philippines. What makes the Taal volcano so special is that it is a volcano island located in the crater lake of another very old volcano. The Taal volcano also has a crater lake with a little island inside it.
So what you end up with is the worlds only island in a lake on an island in a lake on an island (in the pacific ocean).
After a short boat ride across the first crater lake you have two options on how to get to the top of the volcano. You can either hike for about 40 minutes or you can pay a few pesetas to ride on a poor old, dehydrated under fed horse. We decided to take the more active approach and hike to the top:)
From the top there was a magnificent view of the surrounding country side. If anyone has a day in Manila without any plans, a trip to Taal is a very good option.
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